Ingemar Johansson

BORN   September 22 1932; Goteborg, Sweden (Some sources report October 16 1932)
DIED January 30 2009; Kungsbacka, Sweden
HEIGHT 6-0 1/2
WEIGHT 193 1/4-206 1/2 lbs
MANAGER Edwin Ahlquist
TRAINERS Nils Blomberg, Whitey Bimstein, Al Silvani

Johansson was a European style boxer - primarily a standup fighter - not polished,  not flashy - one who often pawed with his left jab; But, "Ingo" had something special - an explosive, dynamite right hand punch; With that awesome, blockbuster weapon, he won the Heavyweight Championship of Scandinavia, the Heavyweight Championship of Europe and the Heavyweight Championship of the World

On the negative side, Johansson did not like to train, relying on his tremendous punching power to see him through; His "thunder and lightning" bombs carried him to the upper echelon of the Heavyweight Division, but once competing on this level, conditioning became a strong factor in his success; Had he been more serious about this aspect, no telling just how good he might have become

Ingemar is best known for his exciting three bout series with Floyd Patterson; During his career, he defeated such men as Patterson, Eddie Machen, Franco Cavicchi, Joe Bygraves, Joe Erskine, Heinz Neuhaus, Hein Ten Hoff, Werner Wiegand, Peter Bates, Wim Snoek, Dick Richardson and Brian London

Johansson was inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame in 1988 and the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2002

*** SOME AMATEUR BOUTS (71-11) ***

       Luis Sosa                    Helsinki, Finland               TK   
       Harymir Netuka               Helsinki, Finland                W  3
       Tomislav Krizmanic           Helsinki, Finland                W  3
       Ilkka Koski                  Helsinki, Finland                W  3
       Hayes Edward Sanders         Helsinki, Finland               LF  2
         -Olympic Games Heavyweight Championship;
         Johansson was disqualified for not fighting;  
         He received the Olympic Silver Medal


Dec  5 Robert Masson                Goteborg, Sweden                KO  4

Feb  7 Emile Bentz                  Goteborg, Sweden                KO  2
Mar  6 Lloyd Barnett                Goteborg, Sweden                 W  8
Mar 12 Erik Jensen                  Copenhagen, Denmark              W  6
          -Heavyweight Championship of Scandinavia
Dec  8 Raymond Degl'Innocenti       Stockholm, Sweden               KO  2

Nov  5 Werner Wiegand               Goteborg, Sweden                TK  5

Jan  5 Ansel Adams                  Goteborg, Sweden                 W  8
          -This bout was not held 1/06/55
Feb 13 Kurt Schiegel                Stockholm, Sweden               TK  5
Mar  5 Aldo Pellegrini              Goteborg, Sweden                WF  5
Apr  3 Uber Bacilieri               Stockholm, Sweden                W  8
Jun 12 Gunter Nurnberg              Dortmund, Germany               TK  7
Aug 28 Hein Ten Hoff                Goteborg, Sweden                KO  1

Feb 24 Joe Bygraves                 Goteborg, Sweden                 W 10
          -Some sources report "W 8"
Apr 15 Hans Friedrich               Stockholm, Sweden                W 10
Sep 30 Franco Cavicchi              Bologna, Italy                  KO 13
         -Heavyweight Championship of Europe
Dec 28 Peter Bates                  Goteborg, Sweden                KO  2

May 19 Henry Cooper                 Stockholm, Sweden               KO  5
         -Heavyweight Championship of Europe
Dec 13 Archie McBride               Goteborg, Sweden                 W 10

Feb 21 Joe Erskine                  Goteborg, Sweden                TK 13
         -Heavyweight Championship of Europe
Jul 13 Heinz Neuhaus                Goteborg, Sweden                TK  4
Sep 14 Eddie Machen                 Goteborg, Sweden                KO  1

May    Rolf Johansson               Oslo, Norway                    EX   
Jun    Neville Rowe                 Stockholm, Sweden               EX   
          -The previous 2 bouts were held during May-Jun 1959
Jun 26 Floyd Patterson              Bronx, NY                       TK  3
         -Heavyweight Championship of the World

Jun 20 Floyd Patterson              New York, NY                    LK  5
         -Heavyweight Championship of the World

Feb  6 Muhammad Ali                 Miami Beach, Fl                 EX  2
Mar 13 Floyd Patterson              Miami Beach, Fl                 LK  6
         -Heavyweight Championship of the World
       Dave Rent                                                    EX   

Feb  9 Joe Bygraves                 Goteborg, Sweden                TK  7
Apr 15 Wim Snoek                    Stockholm, Sweden               KO  5
Jun 17 Dick Richardson              Goteborg, Sweden                KO  8
         -Heavyweight Championship of Europe

Apr 21 Brian London                 Stockholm, Sweden                W 12

*** Much Data Provided By Crister Berge (of Stockholm) ***

Record courtesy of Tracy Callis, Historian, International Boxing Research Organization
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