Since 1994, the CBZ has been devoted to bringing the best of
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and historical sections, we publish WAIL!, a freewheeling
organ devoted to the Sweet Science, written by a welter of well-known boxing writers and
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The CBZ is huge, so to find a
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By James Glen & Ian Macfarlane
Bert Gilroy was perhaps one of the
unluckiest boxers of
the first half of the last century. In
1939, just as he
was approaching his peak, the Scottish
boxer, like
so many other fighting men of his era,
was called
to war.
One unfortunate circumstance is that Gilroy, besides
being deprived of his opportunity at a
world title, is
that his entire career seems to have been
and forgotten. Luckily, a recent book,
Gilroy Was
Here corrects that
unfortunate loss.
Gilroy Was Here, which was written by Gilroy's grandson
and Ian Macfarlane, is a tremendous look
into the world
of pre- and postwar British boxing. Some of the
political squabbles were tougher than the
battles in the
ring, but through it all, Gilroy remained
a dedicated,
talented performer.
Read Mike
Delisa's Review
Read "Thistle in the Rose" Bert Gilroy:
The Charley Burley of the UK by James Glen
To order this book,
The last heavyweight bare-knuckle championship fight in America
is described in splendid fashion. Detail about the fighters, various
goings-on surrounding the contest, round-by-round summary of
the encounter, legalities related to the match, etc., are all covered.
A nice summary of
the names of seconds, bottleholders, timekeepers,
umpires and backers is included - as well as the jurors for the trials of
Sullivan and Kilrain.
A thorough set of Endnotes provides valuable information for further
research as does the Bibliography.
To order this book, contact Andrew R. English -
Read Tracy Callis' Review |
The Name of the Game
Thad Spencer - he could have been the 1960
Olympic gold medalist. Instead he turned professional at 17
to be Eddie Machen's sparring partner. Poor management,
poor training habits and a love of nightlife slowed his progress
until in 1964 he hooked up with Willie Ketchum, trainer and
manager of fighters from boxing's early days as a populist sport,
controlled by underworld bosses.
In his 30 years in the business, Willie had seen and done it all
except manage and train a heavyweight of promise all the way
to the Promised Land, the greatest prize in all of sports: the
Heavyweight Championship of the World.
As a fighter, Spencer had it all. Admirers called him "another Joe
Louis" for his cool, calculating demeanor in the ring and lightning
fast hands. Along with Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali, he should
be remembered as one of the outstanding heavyweights of the
1960s and 1970s. Instead, today, Thad Spencer is boxing's all
but forgotten fighter.
This is the saddest story in all of heavyweight boxing.
Tracy Callis' Review |
The only thing I can do is to fight
Book Description:
“The only thing I can do is to fight.” The real story of the biggest little
man who ever lived Chicago’s World Champion Jimmy Barry & Captain
James Dalton Patrick J. “Reddy” Gallager, and Arthur Majesty Jimmy
Barry came from Chicago’s “Little Hell” where a man fought at least
once a week to have a good name. In 1887 at sixteen Jimmy and his
brother Michael were two of seven toughs arrested for complicity in the
assault on a Chicago police officer. Jimmy, helped by Mike McGurn
family and the great lightweight Harry Gilmore, straightened himself out.
Ten years later Jimmy was the undefeated bantamweight champion of
the world. In 1881 Captain James Dalton was the first Chicago man to
meet John L. Sullivan in the ring. Dalton had a long fighting career, meeting
many top heavyweights of his day. He was a tug boat captain on the
Chicago River and operated two West Side saloons before being killed
by a car in 1932. Barry and Dalton are buried within fifty yards of one
another in Evanston’s Calvary Cemetery. Reddy Gallagher was a top
middleweight who met Dempsey in Cleveland and John Herget in San
Francisco. After a successful boxing career Reddy became a successful
businessman, sporting editor for the Denver Post and died as the wealthiest
prize fighter of his day. Five Catholic bishops are buried with Gallager.
Arthur Majesty is virtually unknown. From Toledo, Ohio he moved to Peoria
and then Bloomington, Illinois. Majesty taught boxing, attended Illinois
Wesleyan University and worked for a Bloomington newspaper. He fought
the great Tommy Warren five times – once before the largest crowd to
date to watch a boxing match in Chicago as the final preliminary match
before Sullivan met the “Irish Lad” Jack Burke. Majesty died fighting under
an assumed name in Nelsonville, Ohio in 1891. The stories of these men
are told here and provide insight into the history of prizefighting at the end
of the nineteenth century.Publication
Date: February 7, 2012
To order this
book, visit the website
Read Tracy Callis'
Review |
Billy Miske
The St. Paul Thunderbolt
Book description: "Billy
Miske: The St. Paul Thunderbolt is
Clay Moyle's second
biography and a worthy successor to his critically acclaimed tome concerning the
life and career of Sam Langford. Hall of fame
boxer Billy Miske was arguably the
most courageous and inspirational figure in boxing history, and his story is
long overdue. During a career that was impeded and cut short as a result of his
ongoing battle with a terminal illness, Billy fought a number of the greatest
fighters who ever lived, including the likes of Jack Dillon, Harry Greb and Jack
Dempsey. The thrilling details and stories surrounding those fights and those
of many other ring legends are all here, brought back to life for the reader to
enjoy. The books goes far beyond simply chronicling Miske's career, but
provides the reader with an in-depth view of a number of the sport's greatest
contests and one of the more remarkable periods in boxing history. Miske's
courage and perseverance in the face of his impending death, and his personal
sacrifice to provide his family with one last Christmas to remember him by, will
tug at your heartstrings and leave you with an indellible image of the man."
To order this
book, visit the websites
Win By KO Publications,
Iowa City, Iowa or
A signed or inscribed copy of this fine book can be ordered
directly from the author at cmoyle@aol.com
Read Tracy Callis'
Review |
Jersey Joe Walcott
A Boxing Biography
Born into extreme poverty in 1914, Jersey Joe Walcott began boxing
at the age of 16 to help feed his hungry family. After ten years’ boxing,
without proper training and with little to show for his efforts beyond
some frightful beatings, Walcott quit the ring. A chance meeting with
a local fight promoter who recognized the potential in his iron chin and
hard punch turned Walcott’s fortunes around, launching one of the
greatest comebacks in boxing history. This biography details Walcott’s
youth, his dismal early career, and his legendary climb to become the
heavyweight champion of the world at age 37, at the time making him
the oldest man to ever win the coveted title. Along the way, he battled
some of the most feared contenders of his day, including Joe Louis,
Ezzard Charles, and Rocky Marciano. With numerous period photographs
and a foreword from Walcott’s grandson, this work provides an intimate
look at one of the grittiest, most determined boxers of the 20th century.
To order this
book, visit the websites
and McFarland
Available - February 5 2012 - accepting orders now
To Contact Author - James Curl - curl88@hotmail.com
The Regulation of Boxing
A History and Comparative Analysis
of Policies Among American States
first nationwide study of boxing regulations in the
United States offers an historical overview of the
from the earliest attempts at regulating
the sport to present-
day legislation that may create
a national boxing commission.
It examines the
disparity of regulations among states, as well
the reasons for some of these differences. The work
interviews with boxing officials, analysts
and boxers, and includes
the results of a national
survey of state athletic commission
In-depth case studies of boxing regulations in
and Kansas provide a close look at different
states’ methods,
and Argentina’s centralized system
of regulation is presented
as a comparison to the
U.S. approach.
To order this
book, visit the websites
Read Tracy Callis'
ESSAYS on FIGHTERS of the 1800s to the
This volume presents fifteen chapters
of biography of African
American and black champions and challengers of the early
prize ring. They range from Tom Molineaux, a slave who won
freedom and fame in the ring in the early 1800s; to Joe Gans,
the first African American world champion; to the flamboyant
Jack Johnson, deemed such a threat to white society that film
of his defeat of former champion and "Great White Hope" Jim
Jeffries was banned across much of the country. Photographs,
period drawings, cartoons, and fight posters enhance the
biographies. Round-by-round coverage of select historic fights
is included, as is a foreword by Hall-of-Fame boxing announcer
Al Bernstein.
To order this
book, visit the websites
Read Tracy Callis'
Official Record book
The greatest fighters of all time come to life in the pages of
carefully researched and fully illustrated guide to the
"Sweet Science."
Packed with facts, figures, and action
photos, every honoree in the Hall
of Fame is here, from the
earliest bare-knuckle brawlers to 20th-century
heroes like
Joe Louis and Muhammad Ali. The Fifth Edition has definitive
fight-by-fight records of all International Boxing Hall of Fame
inductees through 2011. This is the most thoroughly revised
and updated edition of the
official history of boxing. The
complete stories of sixty-four newly
chosen boxing immortals
have been added since the 4th edition.
Additionally, the
authors have revised virtually every fighter's
biography and
records--based on the latest historical research.
To order this
book, visit the websites
Read Tracy Callis'
UnCrowned Champions spans over 50 years of
Fifty yars of careening down boxing's mountain woods -
two wheels over the edge - before arriving at its
destination, boxing as we know it today. In making that
journey, UnCrowned Champions looks at the careers of
ten great prizefighters who took that ride.Each of
these men had his own unique and extraordinary
career - with one exception. They all had to play by the
Rules of the Game - rules that denied them a chance at
the title. A series of essays explores the social forces that
dictated those rules, disclosing in the process the hidden
hand of history that would decide who - and who would
not - remain an ... UnCrowned Champion.
Now available ->
amazon and
Don Cogswell
at bxscribe@pacbell.net
Read Tracy Callis'
BOXING CHAMPIONAt over six and a half feet tall and nearly 300
heavyweight champion Primo Carnera was a giant for
his times, but today "the Ambling Alp" is too often written
off as an unskilled oaf and a product of the mob dealings
that plagued boxing during the 1930s. He may not have
been a natural in the ring, but he worked as hard as any
boxer to learn his craft, to be in top condition, and he
repeatedly showed that he was tougher than nails. This
biography details Carnera's early life and boxing career,
his success as a fighter as well as accusations of fight
fixing, his strengths and limitations in the ring, and his
later career as a wrestler.
Now available ->
amazon and
Read Tracy Callis'
In the Ring With Tommy Burns
In the Ring With Tommy Burns
is the sixth book in Adam J.
Pollack's heavyweight boxing champion series. It thoroughly
and meticulously describes Tommy Burns' boxing career, using
multiple local next-day primary sources to give the book an
unparalleled accuracy and authenticity that has been the
hallmark of the series. As always, Pollack offers round by round
descriptions, pre- and post-fight analysis, bout preparation and
negotiations, and provides context for the period, discussing
opponents and what other contenders were doing at the time.
By reviewing and experiencing Burns' career from the perspective
of those who saw him box, one obtains far greater appreciation
and respect for the skills and accomplishments of this underrated
champion. The book includes 378 pages, over 100 photos, Burns'
record, over 650 footnotes, and an index.
Now available ->
amazon.com and
Read Tracy Callis'
Entertainment in the Old West
Theater, Music, Circuses, Medicine Shows, Prizefighting and Other
Popular Amusements
Miners, loggers, railroad men, and others flooded into the
American West after the discovery of gold in 1848, and entertainers seeking to
fill the demand for distraction from the workers’ daily toil soon followed.
Actors, actresses and traveling troupes crisscrossed the American frontier,
performing in tents, saloons, fancy theaters, and the open air. This exploration
of the heyday of popular theater in the Old West chronicles its emergence and
growth from 1850 to the early twentieth century. Here is the story of the men
and women who provided myriad types of entertainment in the Old West, and
brought excitement, laughter and tears to generations of pioneers.
Now available ->
amazon and
Read Tracy Callis'
The Indiana Wasp
The Jimmy Clabby Story
The story of Jimmy Clabby, Welterweight Champion of the World in
1910, and the story of many of the famous fighters he faced. The book integrates
his life in boxing with the life of other famous personalities in the boxing
world and strives to illustrate what life was like in America and Australia in
the world of boxing in the early 20th century.
Now available ->
Read Tracy Callis'
Peter Jackson
A Biography of the Australian Heavyweight Champion, 1860-1901
Born to
former slaves on St. Croix in 1860, Peter Jackson
made his
name as a boxer with his smooth, fast style
and a dangerous one-two combination. After
immigrating to Australia, Jackson became that
country's national heavyweight champion in 1886
before moving on to the United States and claiming
the title of Colored Champion of the
World in 1888.
For the next ten years Peter Jackson remained
undefeated, finally losing to the great Jim Jeffries
in 1898. Although he never received a shot at the
heavyweight title--reigning heavyweight champion
John L. Sullivan refused to defend his title against
a black
man--Jackson remains one of the greatest
heavyweights ever.
Now available ->
amazon and
Read Tracy Callis'
Chicago's Greatest Sportsman
Charles E. "Parson" Davies
Charles Davies was an immigrant at twelve and an
orphan at seventeen. Alone on the streets of New York, he made himself the best
known sporting man
and entertainment promoter in America from 1880 to 1900.
He helped bring John L. Sullivan to prominence, he managed the great Peter
Jackson, he managed
the all-around fighter Joe Choynski, he was a friend
to Teddy Roosevelt and he was a friend to Bat Masterson. During all this time,
he supported one of
his sister's three nieces and served as the Grand Exalted Ruler
of the Elks.
Now available
Read Tracy Callis'
Review |
This fantastic new
boxing book tells the remarkable story of Irish-born Tom Sharkey.
Born in Dundalk, Sharkey ran away to sea and ended up in the United States Navy.
A keen dockyard brawler, he went on to fight the greatest boxers of the 1890s –
and some of the greatest of all time - including John L Sullivan, Gentleman Jim
Corbett, Bob Fitzsimmons and Jim Jeffries.
His 25-round world title fight against Jeffries at Coney Island was one of the
most gruelling and compelling encounters ever seen inside a ring.
I FOUGHT THEM ALL prints the fact and the legend, and is chocked full of the
rich characters who dominated the sport and politics of the period, from Wild
West gunman Wyatt Earp to Tim “Dry Dollar” Sullivan of New York’s Tammany Hall.
Now available ->
amazon and
Read Tracy Callis'
Review |
OF THEIR favorite
fighters and moments in pugilism. No two fans will agree
on their choices, but that's what makes watching and
discussing the sport so much fun.
In this fact-filled volume by boxing historian Steve Maguire,
you will learn about Steve's top tens in such categories as
title fights, upsets, controversies, all-around fighters, and
more. Maguire recounts many long-forgotten chapters in
boxing history, and he makes compelling cases for his
choices, both historical and contemporary, in each
So, go ahead and make your own all-time top-ten lists,
compare them with Steve's (and those of your fellow
boxing enthusiasts), and let the debates begin !
Now available
Read Tracy Callis'
Hitters, Dancers and Ring Magicians
Seven Boxers of the Golden Age and Their
This book offers detailed
information about the boxers
who were active during boxing's "Golden Age," 1890 to
1910, focusing primarily on George "Kid" Lavigne, Bob
Fitzsimmons, "Barbados" Joe Walcott, Joe Gans, Terry
McGovern, Sam Langford, and Stanley Ketchel, and their
opponents, who were also key figures.
Now available
Read Tracy Callis'
Read Clay Moyle's
The Fearless Harry Greb:
Biography of a Tragic Hero of Boxing
The legendary
Harry Greb stepped into the ring more
than 300 times from 1913 to 1926, defeated opponents
who outweighed him by more than 30 pounds, held
the middleweight and light heavyweight titles and
beat every Hall of Fame boxer he ever fought. Dubbed
"the Pittsburgh Windmill" because of his manic, free-
wheeling style in the ring, Greb also crossed racial
lines, taking on all comers regardless of color. An
injury in the ring led to Greb's gradually going blind
in one eye and should have ended his career, but
he kept his condition secret and fought on. Tragically,
the indomitable fighter would be dead by the age
of 32, felled by complications during minor surgery.
Now available
Read Tracy Callis'
In the Ring With Marvin Hart
By Adam Pollack
In the Ring with
Marvin Hart is the first biography
ever written on Marvin Hart, the forgotten heavyweight champion from the South.
Hart gained popularity as a middleweight and light-heavyweight in the
Louisville, Kentucky area before moving up to heavyweight and defeating the
highly touted top contender Jack Johnson. Hart then won the vacant world's
heavyweight championship in a fight to the finish against Jack Root. Like other
books in Pollack's "In the Ring" series, this
book is meticulously researched using next-day local primary source materials,
and details Hart's boxing
Now available
Read Tracy Callis'
Adam Pollack
article from The Daily Iowan
Adam is the author of the fine series of books on
early heavyweight champions from John L. Sullivan
to James J. Jeffries.
His latest book, In the Ring with Marvin Hart, is to be
no later than October, 2010.
Read The Daily Iowan article
Dan Donnelly
Pugilist, Publican, Playboy
By Patrick Myler
This book tells the remarkable
story of an Irishman
whose exploits in the bare-knuckle ring made him
into an early-nineteenth-century
folk hero. His
victories over highly regarded English opponents
came in the wake of several armed rebellions
and were seen to symbolize his country's fight
for freedom from rule by Westminster. The
book also includes numerous photos and
sketches that enhance the reading,
pages including bibliography and index,
To order, contact
amazon.com or
Read Tracy Callis'
Read Clay Moyle's
Review |
.png) |
In the Ring with James J.
By Adam Pollack
In the Ring with James J.
Jeffries is Adam Pollack's
fourth book in his heavyweight champion series.
It describes in meticulous detail James Jeffries' bouts f
rom the 1890s up to 1905 (including round by round accounts as
well as pre- and post-fight analysis), his opponents, and his training regimen. It
discusses the time's heavyweight scene, including contenders, pre-
hype and negotiations, political and legal obstacles, and the color line.
also include descriptions and analysis of Corbett-Sharkey II, Fitzsimmons-Ruhlin,
Fitz-Sharkey II, and Corbett-McCoy, as well as controversies surrounding several
bouts. The book is based on next-day local newspaper accounts, comparing and
contrasting their descriptions and analysis in order
to provide an authentic view
of how heavyweight boxing was perceived at the time. The use of local primary
sources gives readers a rare opportunity to relive
Jeffries' career as if they
were reading about it at the time he was fighting. The book also includes
Jeffries' career record, over 100 photos, over 900 footnotes,
and an index. 688
pages, hardcover, $42.95.
To order, contact
info@winbykopublications.com or go to
Read Tracy Callis'
Read Christopher LaForce's
Review |
The Life and Times of James J. Jeffries By Jim Carney
Jr. An account of the ring career of one of history's
greatest fighters and special coverage of how he compares with other all-time great
Read Tracy Callis'
Review |

ONE RING CIRCUS: Dispatches from the World of
By Katherine Dunne

Boxing in the Los Angeles Area 1880-2005 By
Tracy Callis and Chuck Johnston
417 photographs 162 pages Softcover (8.5 x 11)
Los Angeles has been regarded as one of the greatest boxing cities in the
world for over a century. With a large fan base, Los Angeles also has been the home of
many of the best and most exciting boxers. Boxing in the Los Angeles Area
1880-2005 is a pictorial history of the sport in Los Angeles County and speaks about
Los Angeles area boxers such as Jim Jeffries, Solomon “Solly” Smith, “Mexican” Joe Rivers,
Fidel La Barba, Jimmy McLarnin, Henry Armstrong, Enrique Bolanos, Art Aragon, Armando
“Mando” Ramos, Bobby Chacon, Danny “Little Red” Lopez, Armando Muniz, Oscar De La Hoya,
“Sugar” Shane Mosley and others. In addition, there were many boxers who were
not residents of the Los Angeles area who became popular among local fans. They included
Tommy Burns, George Godfrey, Alberto “Baby” Arizmendi, Ricardo “Pajarito” Moreno, Jose
Becerra, Raymundo “Battling” Torres, Ruben Olivares, Jose Napoles, Carlos Zarate, Jose
“Pipino” Cuevas and Julio Cesar Chavez. The Los Angeles area has been the site for a number of notable bouts such as the
1906 Tommy Burns-Marvin Hart Heavyweight Championship fight, the controversial 1912 Ad
Wolgast-“Mexican” Joe Rivers bout and the 2000 contest between "Sugar" Shane
Mosley and Oscar De La Hoya.
 | SAM LANGFORD Boxing's
Greatest Uncrowned Champion By Clay Moyle. A detailed account of the career of one of boxing's greatest ever fighters, a man
who gave Jack Johnson such a tussle that Johnson would never meet him again in the ring.
Read Tracy Callis'
Review |
 | A MAN AMONG MEN The Life and Ring Battles of JIM
JEFFRIES, Heavyweight Champion of the World By Kelly Richard
Nicholson In 1899, an extraordinary young athlete
ascended to the heavyweight championship of the world. He was an outdoor man of free
spirit, not given to boast or loud manner, and he had little use for public acclaim. Yet,
many who saw him maintained that he was the greatest heavyweight fighter in ring
Read Tracy Callis' Review |
Who Lies There? A
Compendium of Boxer's Obituaries By Mike DeLisa & Johnny Bos
Over 100 pages of obituaries of boxers, fighters, managers, and
promoters. The gamut runs from the most famous to the most obscure. Complete obituaries
are reprinted, and serve as an immense guide to furhter research for the boxing fan -- or
as a bet-settler for the true stat geek.
Learn of the sad end of Gene Tunney opponent Wolf Larson, who once stole a milk wagon
(horse and all) and tried to pawn it for a bottle of hootch. You probably never heard of
Jack LaFontise, who dies while attended by his brothers, pro boxers themselves, but you
won't forget his stoy.
Some of the nation's besst sportswriters describe the end of many of our boxing heroes and
villains -- Gene Tunney, Sugar Ray Robinson, Kid Chocolate, Jack Johnson, Benny Leonard,
Harry Greb, Jem Ward, Bob Fitzsimmons, Joe Jennette (Jeanette), Al Palzer, Benny Bass and
hundreds of others.
Which boxer died after drinking carbolic acid? Who died while making moonshine whisky when
his still exploded? Who drowned? This book answers all of these questions.
Size: 8 1/2 x 11 inches, spiral-bound.

In the Ring with Bob Fitzsimmons
By Adam Pollack
This is the third book in Adam Pollack’s series on
the heavyweight champions of the gloved era. Bob Fitzsimmons was boxing’s first pound for
pound great, winning the world middleweight title before becoming the world heavyweight
champion (and later lightheavyweight champ). Combining both crafty skill and crushing
power, Fitzsimmons was able to knock out heavyweights when he only weighed 158
In the Ring with James J. Corbett
By Adam Pollack
It is the most thoroughly researched boxing-detailed biography on James J. Corbett’s
career ever written. It reveals new dates, bouts, and facts, shedding fresh light on his
experience, skills, and ability. • Buy the book from Lulu.com • Read Tracy
Callis' Review. |
|  Cradle
of Champions: 80 Years Of New York Daily News Golden Gloves By Bill Farrell An account of the exciting Golden Gloves boxing tournament from its inception in
1927 up through 2006. 185 pages and numerous photographs of celebrities, boxers and action
shots from bouts. • Buy the
book from Sports Publishing L.L.C.
View some pages.
• Read Tracy Callis'
Review. |
in the Shadows By Tom
Donelson The story of many great
black fighters and their times from the pre-1900 years up to the present. A discussion of
critical periods of history along with important and meaningful bouts over the years. A
very interesting read.
Buy the book from
• Read Tracy Callis'
Review. |
The Sundowners: The History of the Black Prizefighter 1870-1930
By Kevin R. Smith
A biographical encyclopedia of the black prizefighter from 1870-1930. 650
pages of information on the lives and careers of over 150 black boxers, from the famous to
the unknown.
John L. Sullivan: The Career of the First Gloved
Heavyweight Champion
By Adam Pollack
Essentially the last of the bare-knuckle heavyweight champions, John L. Sullivan was
instrumental in the acceptance of gloved fighting. Sullivan became boxing’s first
superstar and arguably the first of any sport.
• Buy the book
from McFarland Press. • View the Table of
Contents and the preface. •
Read Tracy Callis' Review.

| |
Katherine Dunn, Lucius Shepard
HISTORY & RESEARCH: Director of Research: Tracy Callis
CBZ Staff Historians: Dan Cuoco, Hank Kaplan, Matt Tegen, Kevin Smith, Harry Otty, Ron Lipton,
Barry Deskins, Matt Donnellon, Joe Grantham
STAFF WRITERS: Chris Bushnell, DscribeDC, Katherine Dunn, Dan Hanley, Eric
Jorgensen, Adam Pollack, JD Vena, Lucius Shepard, Ron Lipton, Dean Vios, Tom
Donelson, Karl Hegman, Jeffery Hawkins
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Matt Boyd, Steve Coughlin, Monte Cox, Brian Donegan,
Enrique Encinosa, Pete Ehrmann, Pedro Fernandez, Eldon Frost, Dave Iamele,
Eric Jorgensen, Joe Koizumi, Dr. Ferdie Pacheco, Tom Smario (CBZ Poet Emeritus), Tony
Triem, Jim Trunzo, Fabian Weber, Randy Gordon, Greg Beyer