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The Cyber Boxing Zone Encyclopedia -- Lineal Champion

John H. Stracey

BORN   September 22 1950; Bethnal Green, London, England
WEIGHT 138 - 148 1/2 lbs
MANAGER Terry Lawless

Stracey was a tough fighter who carried a solid punch; He waged ring wars with the top men in Europe and the world - and came out ahead most of the time; During his career, he won the WBC Welterweight Championship of the World, the EBU Welterweight Championship of Europe and the BBBC Welterweight Championship of Great Britain

He defeated such men as Jose Angel Napoles, Hedgemon Lewis, Danny McAloon, Bobby Arthur, Jack Tillman, Roger Menetrey, Ernie Lopez, Max Hebeisen, David Melendez, Pat Murphy, Antonio Torres, Harri Piitulainen, David Pesenti, Georges Warusfel, Guy Vercoutter, Keith Averette and Bernie Terrell

Sep 17 Santos Martins              London, England                 KO  2
Oct  2 Ronnie Clifford             London, England                 TK  2
Nov 18 Ray Opuku                   London, England                 TK  3
Dec  9 Bryn Lewis                  London, England                 TK  6

Jan 20 Tommy Carson                London, England                 TK  7
Feb  9 Tei Dovi                    London, England                 TK  3
          -Some sources report 2/10/70
Mar 17 Bernard Martin              London, England                 TK  3
Apr 21 Harri Piitulainen           London, England                 TK  6
May 12 David Pesenti               London, England                  W  8
Sep 28 Billy Seasman               London, England                 TK  5
          -Some sources report 9/29/70
Oct  6 Willie Rea                  London, England                 TK  3
Dec  8 Ferdinand Ahumibe           London, England                 TK  4

Jan 19 Teddy Cooper                London, England                 WF  5
Feb 23 Yvon Mariolle               London, England                 KO  6
Mar 16 Dante Pelaez                London, England                  W  8
May  4 Bouzid Ait Elmenceur        London, England                  W  8
Oct  5 Frankie Lewis               London, England                  D  8
Oct 27 Dave Wyatt                  London, England                 TK  3
Nov 16 Guy Vercoutter              London, England                 TK  7

Jan 25 Yvon Marille                London, England                 KO  4
Feb 15 Bernie Terrell              London, England                 TK  2
Mar  7 Des Rea                     London, England                 TK  2
Apr  4 Ricky Porter                London, England                  W  8
Apr 25 Marshall Butler             London, England                  L  8
May 22 Antonio Torres              Manchester, England             TK  6
Jun  6 Joey Yekinni                London, England                 TK  2
Oct 10 Les Pearson                 London, England                 KO  2
          -BBBC Welterweight Championship of Great Britain Elimination Bout
Oct 31 Bobby Arthur                London, England                 LF  7
          -BBBC Welterweight Championship of Great Britain
Dec  5 David Melendez              London, England                 TK  7

Jan 15 Otho Tyson                  Nottingham, England             KO  3
Feb 14 Danny McAloon               Las Vegas, Nv                    W 10
Mar 13 Jose Peterson               London, England                  W  8
May  9 Pat Murphy                  London, England                 TK  5
Jun  5 Bobby Arthur                London, England                 KO  4
          -BBBC Welterweight Championship of Great Britain
Sep 10 Jose Melendez               London, England                 TK  3
Oct 30 Urban Baptiste              London, England                 KO  4
Nov 13 Marc Gervais                London, England                 TK  4
Dec 11 Cubby "Topcat" Jackson      London, England                 LK  3

Mar 26 Jack Tillman                London, England                 KO  4
Apr 23 Vernon Mason                London, England                 KO  4
May 27 Roger Menetrey              Paris, France                   KO  8
          -EBU Welterweight Championship of Europe
Oct  1 Tony Garcia                 London, England                 TK  3
Oct 29 Ernie Lopez                 London, England                 TK  7

Apr 29 Max Hebeisen                London, England                 TK  6
          -EBU Welterweight Championship of Europe
Jun  3 Ruben Vasquez Zamora        London, England                 TK  8
Sep 30 Keith Averette              London, England                 WF  8
Dec  6 Jose Angel Napoles          Mexico City, Mexico             TK  6
          -WBC Welterweight Championship of the World

Mar 20 Hedgemon Lewis              London, England                 TK 10
          -WBC Welterweight Championship of the World
Jun 22 Carlos Palomino             London, England                 LT 12
          -WBC Welterweight Championship of the World

Mar 29 Dave "Boy" Green            London, England                 LK 10

May 23 Georges Warusfel            London, England                 KO 10

*** Assistance Provided By Seth Callis ***

Record courtesy of Tracy Callis, Historian, International Boxing Research Organization



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