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The Cyber Boxing Zone Encyclopedia -- Lineal Champion

Lou Brouillard
(Lucien Pierre Brouillard)

BORN   May 23 1911, St. Eugene, Quebec, Canada
HEIGHT September 14, 1984, Taunton, Massachusetts
WEIGHT 144-170 lbs
MANAGERS Maurice Lemione, Johnny Buckley

Brouillard was short, sturdy and "as strong as a horse" - with a walloping punch to go along; Tough, durable and willing, Lou tore into his man to fight it out and usually emerged as the winner; He was a "handful" to cope with

Lou won 109 contests in all; At one point in his career, he sported a 72-5 record; His overall "Won-Lost" record is even more impressive considering that he kept fighting long past when he should have retired; He won just 10 of his last 27 fights

During his career, he won the Middleweight Championship of the World (as recognized by New York state), the NBA Middleweight Championship of the World, the Welterweight Championship of the World and the Light Heavyweight Championship of New England

Lou defeated such men as Mickey Walker, Bob Olin, Al Gainer, Ben Jeby, Jimmy McLarnin, Young Corbett III, "Young" Jack Thompson, Norman Conrad, Al McCoy, Ad Zachow, Adolph Heuser, Johnny Indrisano, Henry Firpo, Gustave Roth, Sammy "Kid" Slaughter, Bucky Lawless, Tait Littman, Johnny Rossi, Paul Pirrone, Al Mello and George "Wop" Manolian

Brouillard was inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame in 2000 and the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2006

       Billy Krake                 Willimantic, Ct                 KO  2
       Joe Mullen                  Willimantic, Ct                 KO  2
       Zeke Mazer                  Hartford, Ct                     W  4
       Dan Palomber                Waterbury, Ct                   KO  6
       Joe Mullen                  Willimantic, Ct                 KO  1
       Billy Edwards               Waterbury, Ct                   KO  4
       Sammy Kraft                 Waterbury, Ct                   KO  4
       Mickey Travers              Waterbury, Ct                   KO  4
       Ray Hogan                   Waterbury, Ct                    W  6
       Bill Student                Worcester, Ma                   KO  2
       Willie "Young" Angelo       Waterbury, Ct                    W  6
       Joe Brady                   Worcester, Ma                   KO  2
Oct 17 Eddie Moore                 Bridgeport, Ct                   L  8
       Johnny Packor               Keene, NH                       KO  3
       Dick Pangraze               Keene, NH                       KO  3

       Billy Rhodes                Worcester, Ma                   KO  3
       Young Galloway              Worcester, Ma                   KO  2
       Al Sacco                    Worcester, Ma                   KO  2
       Vic Morley                  Hartford, Ct                    KO  2
       Sam Lucci                   Worcester, Ma                    L  6
       Scoops White                Worcester, Ma                    L  8
       Johnny Buff                 Nashua, NH                      KO  2
Jun    Bill Lozeau                 Nashua, NH                      KO  3
Jun    Dan Fruzzenne               Keene, NH                       KO  3
Jun    Eddie Daly                  Keene, NH                       KO  3
Jul    Al Bergeron                 Worcester, Ma                   KO  7
Jyl  3 Bill Lozeau                 Fitchburg, Ma                   KO  3
Jul    Rudy Marshall               Bridgeport, Ct                  KO  5
Aug    Eddie Besantels             Keene, NH                        W 10
Aug    Eddie Moore                 Bridgeport, Ct                   W  8

Aug    Jack Buguay                 Keene, NH                        W  8
Sep    Harry Lagesse               Keene, NH                        W  8
Sep    Tom Quigley                 Worcester, Ma                   KO  5
Sep 11 Bert Heathfield             Montreal, Que, Canada           KO  2
Sep 25 Bob Allison                 Montreal, Que, Canada           KO  2
Oct  9 Len Smith                   Montreal, Que, Canada           TK  5
Nov    Jack Manley                 Keene, NH                        L 10
Dec  8 Joe Rousseau                Norwich, Ct                     KO  5
Dec    Jimmy Wray                  Worcester, Ma                   KO  5

Jan  1 Stanley Reed                Worcester, Ma                   KO  6
Jan 17 Ed Russo                    Waverly, RI                     KO  3
Feb 14 Joe Rossi                   Norwich, Ct                     KO  2
Feb 21 Bill Carney                 Danielson, Ct                   KO  6
Mar    Eddie Reed                  New London, Ct                   W  8
Mar    Art Hurd                    New London, Ct                   W  8
Apr    Stanley Reed                Danielson, Ct                   KO  5
Apr    Charley "Kid" Phippen       Worcester, Ma                   KO  4
May  9 Clyde Hull                  Worcester, Ma                    W 10
May    Joe Garvey                  Worcester, Ma                   KO  3
May    Mule Brown                  Norwich, Ct                      W  8
Jun    Owen Travers                Worcester, Ma                   KO  6
Jun    Tony Magna                  Worcester, Ma                   KO  3
Jun    Joe Emmons                  Taftville, Ct                   KO  4
Jul  2 Rudy Marshall               Westerly, RI                     W  8
Jul  3 Bobby Suber                 Keene, NH                        W 10
Jul    Tony Travers                Westerly, RI                    KO  4
Aug 28 Nick Madamma                Keene, NH                        W 10
Sep 25 Jimmy McGonnigal            Keene, NH                       LF  5
Sep 26 Billy Savage                Danielson, Ct                   KO  2
Oct    Jimmy Dwyer                 Danielson, Ct                   KO  3
Oct 17 Frank Baldi                 Worcester, Ma                   KO  3
Dec 15 Larry Brignolia             Boston, Ma                      TK  4
          -Some sources report "KO 3"

Jan  1 Gaby Bagdad                 Boston, Ma                       W  8
Jan 30 Al Palladino                Worcester, Ma                   TK  7
Feb  6 Alfred Ross                 Boston, Ma                      KO  6
Feb 13 Canada Lee                  Worcester, Ma                   KO 10
Mar  6 "Baby" Joe Gans             Worcester, Ma                    W 10
Mar 27 Canada Lee                  Worcester, Ma                    W 10
Apr 27 Frankie Belanger            Quebec City, Que, Canada        KO  1
May  1 Eddie Moore                 Worcester, Ma                   KO  2
May 15 Al Mello                    Boston, Ma                      KO  8
Jun  9 Paul Pirrone                Boston, Ma                      KO  8
Jul 23 "Young" Jack Thompson       Boston, Ma                       W 10
Aug 25 Jackie Brady                Providence, RI                   W 10
Oct 23 "Young" Jack Thompson       Boston, Ma                       W 15
          -Welterweight Championship of the World
Dec  2 Bucky Lawless               Boston, Ma                      KO  3
Dec 10 Paul Pirrone                Cleveland, Oh                   WF  7
Dec 15 "Baby" Joe Gans             Montreal, Que, Canada            D 10

Jan 28 Jackie Fields               Chicago, Il                      L 10
          -Welterweight Championship of the World
Mar  3 George "Wop" Manolian       Hartford, Ct                     W 10
Apr  8 Johnny Indrisano            Boston, Ma                       W 10
Apr 29 Johnny Indrisano            Boston, Ma                       L 10
Jun 15 Harry "Kid" Wallace         Worcester, Ma                   KO  2
Aug  4 Jimmy McLarnin              Bronx, NY                        W 10
Sep  9 Ad Zachow                   Boston, Ma                       W 10
Oct  7 Andy Callahan               Boston, Ma                       L 12
          -Welterweight Championship of New England
          Some sources report "L 10"
Dec 19 Jimmy Smith                 Philadelphia, Pa                 L 10

Jan  9 Horatio Valha               Holyoke, Ma                      W 10
Feb 24 Johnny Indrisano            Boston, Ma                       L 10
May 16 Sammy "Kid" Slaughter       Boston, Ma                       W 10
Jul  6 Mickey Walker               Boston, Ma                       W 10
Aug  9 Ben Jeby                    New York, NY                    KO  7
          -Middleweight Championship of the World
          (as recognized by New York state)

Aug    -Brouillard was recognized as the NBA Middleweight Champion
          of the World

Sep 22 Adolf Heuser                Boston, Ma                      TK  8
Oct 30 Vince Dundee                Boston, Ma                       L 15
          -NBA Middleweight Championship of the World;
          Middleweight Championship of the World
          (as recognized by New York state)

Nov 24 Tony Shucco                 Boston, Ma                       L 10

Jan 19 Bob Olin                    New York, NY                     W 10
Feb 16 Tommy Rios                  Worcester, Ma                   KO  5
Mar  5 Al Gainer                   New Haven, Ct                    W 10
Apr  5 Bob Olin                    New Haven, Ct                    W 10
May 11 Norman Conrad               Worcester, Ct                    W 10
Jun 11 Henry Firpo                 Providence, RI                  KO  6
Jul 12 Al Gainer                   New Haven, Ct                    L  6
Jul    Al McCoy                                                    KO  8
Aug 20 Anson Green                 Pittsburgh, Pa                  TK  8
Sep  7 Solly Dukelsky              Chicago, Il                     TK  7
Oct  8 Tait Littman                Pittsburgh, Pa                   L 10
Nov 23 Al Gainer                   New York, NY                     W 10
Dec 25 Sammy "Kid" Slaughter       Pittsburgh, Pa                  KO  4

Jan  8 Oscar Rankin                Los Angeles, Ca                 TK  4
          -Some sources report 1/29/35
Feb  5 "Indian" Jimmy Rivers       Los Angeles, Ca                 TK  4
          -Some sources report 1/15/35
Mar 15 Babe Marino                 San Francisco, Ca               TK  7
Mar 22 Swede Berglund              Hollywood, Ca                    W 10
Apr 17 Marty Simmons               Pittsburgh, Pa                   W 10
Jul  4 Young Corbett III           San Francisco, Ca                W 10
Sep 20 Al McCoy                    Boston, Ma                       L 10
Nov 25 Marcel Thil                 Paris, Fr                        L 12
Dec 20 Gustave Roth                Paris, Fr                        W 15

Jan 20 Marcel Thil                 Paris, Fr                       LF  4
          -IBU Middleweight Championship of the World
Jun 26 Jackie Ennis                Worcester, Ma                   KO  8
Oct  9 Fred Apostoli               San Francisco, Ca                L 10
Dec  4 Carl Knowles                New Haven, Ct                    W 10

Feb 15 Marcel Thil                 Paris, Fr                       LF  6
          -IBU Middleweight Championship of the World
May  7 Teddy Yarosz                Boston, Ma                       L 10
Sep  9 Roy "Tiger" Williams        Portland, Me                    KO  2
Oct 22 Roy Kelly                   Boston, Ma                       W 12
          -Light Heavyweight Championship of New England
Dec 10 Dick Maloney                Boston, Ma                       W 12
          -Light Heavyweight Championship of New England

Feb 18 "Tiger" Jack Fox            Boston, Ma                      LT  7
Mar 23 Gus Lesnevich               New York, NY                     L 10
Sep 23 Joe Glasgow                 Boston, Ma                      KO  6
Nov  7 Ray Miller                  Newark, NJ                       L 10
Dec 30 Johnny Rossi                Worcester, Ma                   TK 10
          -Light Heavyweight Championship of New England

Mar 17 Edouard Tenet               Paris, Fr                        D 10
Apr  5 Anton Christoforidis        Paris, Fr                        L 10
Jun  2 Henry Chmielewski           Worcester, Ma                    W 10
Jun 20 Georgie Abrams              Washington, DC                   L 10
Jul 13 Babe Verila                 Portland, Me                    ND 10
Aug 17 Al Sinibaldi                Portland, Me                    ND 10
Sep 29 Howell King                 Worcester, Ma                    L 10
Nov  9 Frankie Britt               Fall River, Ma                   L 12
          -Middleweight Championship of New England
Dec  6 Lloyd Marshall              Oakland, Ca                      L 10

Jan 12 Henry Chmielewski           Worcester, Ma                    L 10

          -Brouillard served in the United States Army

*** Assistance Provided By Harry Otty ***


Record courtesy of Tracy Callis, Historian, International Boxing Research Organization



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