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The Cyber Boxing Zone Encyclopedia -- Lineal Champion

Eugene Criqui

BORN   August 15 1893; Belleville, France
DIED March 7 1977; Villepinte, France
HEIGHT.. 5-3 1/2
WEIGHT 112-128 1/4 lbs
MANAGER Robert Eudeline


Criqui was a capable fighter who carried a stinging blow in his punches; He lost only 17 times in 130 contests; During his career, he won the Featherweight Championship of the World, Featherweight Championship of Europe, Featherweight Championship of France and the Flyweight Championship of France

Among those he defeated during his career were Johnny Kilbane, Percy Jones, Arthur Wyns, Steve "Kid" Sullivan, Joey Fox, Ben Callicott, Pat McAllister, Bert Spargo, Jackie Green, Vince Blackburn and Sid Godfrey

Charley Rose ranked Criqui as the #6 All-Time Featherweight
Feb  2 Yves Gram                 Bordeaux, France                     W  4
Jul  7 Edouard Prie              Paris, France                        D  8
Aug  8 Francisque                Paris, France                        D  8
Sep  9 Cherubin Durocher         Paris, France                        W  6
Oct 10 Gouguillon                Paris, France                        W  4
Nov 26 Boyo Lambert              Paris, France                        W  4
Dec 15 L. Gouzenne               Paris, France                        W  4

Jan 19 Alfred Francis            Paris, France                        D  8
Feb 16 Edouard Prie              Paris, France                        D  8
Mar  6 Paul Manceau              Paris, France                        L  6
Mar 21 M Teissedre               Paris, France                        W  4
Apr  4 Marcel Mouginot           Paris, France                        L  4
Apr 22 Lucien Vinez              Paris, France                        L  8
May  2 Montor                    Paris, France                        D  4
May  6 Alfred Francis            Paris, France                        D  8
Jul 29 M. Teissedre              Neuilly, France                      W  6
Jul 30 Robert Dastillon          Neuilly, France                     WF  4
Oct 21 Auguste Relinger          Paris, France                       TK  2
Oct 28 James Barrett             Paris, France                       KO  2
Nov 16 Cherubin Durocher         Paris, France                        W  6
Nov 22 Voirin                    Paris, France                        W  4
Dec 16 Marcel Lepreux            Paris, France                        W  8
Dec 30 Buster Brown              Paris, France                       TK  1
Dec 30 Cherubin Durocher         Paris, France                        W 10
          -The previous 2 bouts were held the same date

Feb 14 Voirin                    Paris, France                       KO 10
          -Flyweight Championship of France
Feb 24 Jack Gatehouse            Paris, France                        W  8
Mar 29 Jack Gatehouse            Paris, France                        D 10
Apr 12 Edouard Prie              Paris, France                        W 10
Apr 16 Jack Gatehouse            Maisons-Lafitte, France              D 10
May 12 Robert Dastillon          Paris, France                        L 15
Jun  6 Cherubin Durocher         Paris, France                        W 10
Jun 11 Kid Chicken               Chantilly, France                   KO  9
Jun 28 Jack Gatehouse            Paris, France                        W 12
Aug  9 Marcel Lepreux            Paris, France                       TK 13
          -Flyweight Championship of France
Sep 27 Sebastian Demey           Paris, France                        W 10
Oct 10 Tom Smith                 Birmingham, England                  W 15
Oct 13 M. Gambetta               Avignon, France                     LF  8
Oct 30 Francois Charles          Paris, France                       TK 17
Nov 15 Alf Mansfield             Paris, France                        D 10
Dec 10 Marcel Lepreux            Paris, France                        D 10

Jan 10 Alf Mansfield             Paris, France                        D 10
Jan 18 M. Teissedre              Paris, France                       TK  7
Feb 15 Bombardier Rousseau       Bordeaux, France                     W 10
Feb 21 Maurice Bouzonnie         Paris, France                        W 10
Mar 17 Edouard Prie              Paris, France                        W 10
Apr 11 Sid Smith                 Paris, France                        L 20
          -IBU Flyweight Championship of the World;
           EBU Flyweight Championship of Europe        
May 23 Sebastian Demey           Paris, France                       KO  6
Jun  6 Auguste Grassi            Paris, France                        D 12
Aug  1 Fred Anderson             Paris, France                        W 10
Aug 31 Edouard Prie              Enghien, France                     WF  5
Oct  4 Johnny Daly               Paris, France                        W 10
Oct 31 Robert Dastillon          Paris, France                        D 20
Nov 29 Marcel Lepreux            Paris, France                        L 10

Feb 12 Percy Jones               Liverpool, England                   W 15
Mar  7 Jack Bertin               Paris, France                        W 10
Mar 13 Pat McAllister            Paris, France                       KO 10
Mar 26 Percy Jones               Liverpool, England                   L 20
          -IBU Flyweight Championship of the World;
          EBU Flyweight Championship of Europe
Apr 10 Jack Bertin               Paris, France                        W 10
May  1 Marcel Lepreux            Paris, France                        W 20
May 10 Jim Harry                 Bordeaux, France                    KO  6
May 16 Abe Mantell               Paris, France                        W 20
Jun  4 Georges Lefevre           Nantes, France                      TK  7
Jun 19 Cherubin Durocher         Paris, France                        W 15
Jun 28 Jack Bertin               Bordeaux, France                     W 10
Jul 10 Charles Ledoux            Paris, France                       LT 12
          -Flyweight Championship of France

Feb 26 Georges Gravat            Paris, France                        W  4
Sep 26 Georges Dravin            Paris, France                       TK  5
Oct  3 Cherubin Durocher         Paris, France                        W  6
Oct 17 Edouard Prie              Paris, France                        W  6
Oct 21 Mareix                    Bordeaux, France                    KO  9
Dec  8 Alfred Francis            Paris, France                        W  6
Dec 26 Edouard Prie              Paris, France                        W  6

Jan 16 Maessens                  Paris, France                       KO  2
Jan 23 Bombardier Rousseau       Bordeaux, France                     W 12
Jan 30 Marcel Lepreux            Paris, France                        W  6
Apr 20 Bombardier Rousseau       Toulouse, France                     W  7
Apr 24 Cherubin Durocher         Paris, France                       KO  3
Apr 26 Auguste Grassi            Perpignan, France                   TK  6
Apr 29 Cherubin Durocher         Perpignan, France                   TK  6
May 26 Pain                      Paris, France                       KO  6
Jun  5 Joe Marty                 Paris, France                       TK  9
Jul  4 Andre Maestrini           Paris, France                        W 12
Jul 10 Eugene Clifford           Paris, France                       KO  2
Jul 17 Arthur Wyns               Paris, France                        W 10
Jul 31 Jimmy O'Day               Paris, France                       KO  2
Aug  4 Paul Bertal               Marseille, France                    W 10
Oct  2 Auguste Grassi            Paris, France                       KO  2
Nov  7 Marcel Lepreux            Paris, France                        W  6
Nov 15 Bombardier Rousseau       Toulouse, France                    KO  7

Jan  1 Osmin Lurie               Bordeaux, France                    TK  4
Jan  3 Jimmy Doyle               Trompeloup, France                  KO  6
Feb  6 Steve "Kid" Sullivan      Paris, France                       KO  1
Apr 10 Tommy Noble               London, England                     LT 19
May 25 Leon Poutet               Marseille, France                   TK  6
Jun  1 Auguste Grassi            Casablanca, Morocco                 TK  8
Jun 27 Tommy Noble               Paris, France                        D 20
Jul 18 Digger Evans              Paris, France                       KO  7
Sep 18 Walter Ross               London, England                     KO 15
Oct 29 Sammy Kellar              Paris, France                       TK  5
Dec 26 "Memphis" Pal Moore       London, England                     LT 14

Apr 17 Joe Mendell               Paris, France                       KO 12
Jun 26 Billie Baker              Paris, France                       KO  1
Oct 23 Vince Blackburn           Sydney, NSW, Australia              KO  9
Nov 20 Jackie Green              Sydney, NSW, Australia              KO  4
Dec 18 Bert Spargo               Sydney, NSW, Australia              KO 16

Jan  8 Jerry Sullivan            Sydney, NSW, Australia              KO 13
Feb  5 Sid Godfrey               Sydney, NSW, Australia              KO 10
Feb 19 Silvino Jamito            Sydney  NSW, Australia               W 20
Mar 19 Dencio Cabanela           Sydney  NSW, Australia              KO 14
Sep 27 Auguste Grassi            Paris, France                       KO  1
          -Featherweight Championship of France
Oct 25 Alphonse Spaniers         Paris, France                       KO  2
Dec  6 Georges Gaillard          Paris, France                       WF 10

Feb  4 Charles Ledoux            Paris, France                       KO  1
          -Featherweight Championship of France
Apr 11 Ben Callicott             Paris, France                       KO  3
May 29 Joey Fox                  London, England                     TK 12
Jun 16 Joseph Youyou             Barcelona, Spain                    KO  2
Jun 25 Tom Anderson              Marseille, France                   KO  1
Jul  7 Arthur Wyns               Paris, France                       KO 12
          -EBU Featherweight Championship of Europe
Sep 10 Arthur Wyns               Paris, France                       TK  6
          -EBU Featherweight Championship of Europe
Nov  4 Walter Ross               Paris, France                       KO  1
          -EBU Featherweight Championship of Europe
Nov 18 Ben Callicott             Liege, Belgium                      KO  2
Dec  2 Billy Matthews            Paris, France                       TK 17
          -EBU Featherweight Championship of Europe

Jun  2 Johnny Kilbane            New York, NY                        TK  6
          -Featherweight Championship of the World
Jul 26 Johnny Dundee             New York, NY                         L 15
          -Featherweight Championship of the World
Oct  6 Henri Hebrans             Paris, France                        W 15
Dec 20 Edouard Mascart           Paris, France                        L 20
          -EBU Featherweight Championship of Europe

Jun  1 Danny Frush               Paris, France                       LK  8

Oct  6 Carlos Uzabeaga           Buenos Aires, Argentina              L 10

Apr  2 "Panama" Al Brown         Paris, France                        L 10
Dec 20 Gustave Humery            Paris, France                       LT  6
          -Featherweight Championship of France

Mar 19 Benny "Kid" Carter        Paris, France                        W 10

Record courtesy of Tracy Callis, Historian, International Boxing Research Organization



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