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[Previous entry: "Photo of the Day: Referee Ron Lipton with 'Happy New Years' Greeting"] [Main Index] [Next entry: "Chicago's Rick Ramos Sends New Year's Thanks to Friends"]

01/01/2008 Archived Entry: "Happy New Years from Chicago Youth Boxing Club!"

Happy New Years from Chicago Youth Boxing Club!

By Robert Ramos
Executive Director, Chicago Youth Boxing Club
Photo courtesy of

CYB-PIC-1 (49k image)

Colleagues and friends,

As another year quickly passes us by, I cannot help to sit back and appreciate how many great people I have come to know in my life. I guess growing older does have its advantages.

As many of you may already know, the Chicago Youth Boxing Club finally opened its doors to the new boxing facility. It did not come about as easy as I may have wanted it to, however throughout the immense process, I was able to see the powerful effect and positive results that can be achieved, when people of many talents shape their ideas collectively.

Many of you stepped up when we needed you, and were able to lend a hand. Realize this, no matter how big, or small, the size of the contribution was made, or whether it was financially or just being able to come out on your free time to help us clean, or assemble the gym equipment etc. All of these efforts combined are what makes the Chicago Youth Boxing Club, what I consider to be a truly great organization. I am truly proud to say that we did it together, and hope to make a small difference in the lives of some of these inner-city youth.

Remember, if you place one hundred percent of your effort, into any dream, passion, or goal that you may have, you will reap the benefits of your hard work.

As we gather with our families let us also be grateful that have been blessed to celebrate the passing of another year, and embrace the coming of a new one.

I hope that every one of you finds success in all your future endeavors, and may the New Year bring you sincere happiness and good health.

Now let’s party like it’s “GOING TO BE GREAT IN 2008!!!”

Yours in boxing,

Robert Ramos
Executive Director
Chicago Youth Boxing Club

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