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06/18/2008 Archived Entry: "The Kid"

The Kid

By Ted Sares
Courtesy of

Many writers claim they watched Monday and Friday night fights “with their dads,” but if they did, they better be my age. I recently noted one renowned writer as claiming he grew up watching Friday Night Fights. That’s hogwash. He wasn’t even born.

Back in 1949, we had a pitifully tiny TV set on which my Dad and I (and some of my friends) would watch different programs, but the one that we enjoyed the most were the fights. They were televised from New York or Chicago and names like Madison Square Gardens, St Nicholas Arena or Marigold Gardens were commonplace. Some programs aired boxing matches on Monday. By far the most popular was "Gillette's Cavalcade of Sports," spotlighting the "Friday Night Fights" from Madison Square Garden. The Cavalcade lasted until 1960, a 14-year period which was the longest continuous run of any boxing program in television history. The show's theme song was the “Look Sharp/Be Sharp March by Mahlon Merrick and we would always chime in with Sharpie the Parrot who would squawk, "Look sharp! Feel sharp! Be Sharp! With Gillette razor blades before the fights were telecast. The bell would sound and Jimmy Powers at ringside would announce, "Friday night fights are on the air!"

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