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07/24/2008 Archived Entry: "'The Contender's' Miguel Hernandez Sends a Shout Out!"

'The Contender's' Miguel Hernandez Sends a Shout Out!
Wishes best to Chicago boxers fighting at Aragon Ballroom this Friday

By Juan C. Ayllon

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Left to right: Miguel Hernandez, Mrs. and Mrs. Dwain Harroun, CBZ photographer Edward Zajac and his wife, Cira, mug for the camera at a party held at my home in June

CHICAGO -- "Macho" Miguel Hernandez has been very busy training to stay in shape at JABB Boxing Gym and Chicago Boxing Club, as well as working, spending time with his boys and his grandfather, who's been very ill as of late.

This week, he sparred with Rudy Cisneros who, like Hernandez, appeared on "The Contender" boxing reality TV show. Contemplating a return to the ring, he said laughing, "My health is the most important thing...I can always retire and work my jobs."

Calling via cell phone earlier this afternoon, he said that he was on his way to see his grandfather, who's very ill and yet refuses to go to the hospital.

Mindful of the fact that Mike Nevitt, Francisco Rodriguez, Jose Hernandez and several other friends will be fighting at the Aragon Ballroom, he acknowledged that he might not be able to make it down to see them due to his grandfather's condition, and asked me to send them a shout out and wish them the best.

Please keep Miguel's grandfather in your prayers.

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